Friday, November 21, 2014

Here’s Why Colleges Are Suddenly Demanding Students’ Sex Histories

More than 200 universities nationwide ask how many partners each student has slept with. And it may expand to almost all schools soon.

Their financial aid has been cleared, they’ve perhaps chosen a major, but — in order to register for classes this semester — students at Florida Atlantic University will have to jump through one more administrative hoop: surrendering detailed information about their sex lives.
Call it “TMI U.” The school is requiring students to complete an anonymized questionnaire that asks how often they’ve had sex (including oral sex) in the past three months, and how frequently they use a condom. FAU students are protesting that it’s an invasion of their privacy, as did Clemson University students earlier this year over the same mandate.
It’s no coincidence; it’s part of a two-hour course from CampusClarity called “Think About It,” intended to help reduce instances of sexual assault on campus. And the company’s chief instructional designer, Jeremy Beckman, tells MTV News that it’s currently being used at hundreds of U.S. schools.
Clemson rescinded its policy on mandatory enrollment in the course, but Beckman — who feels that certain media outlets have sensationalized the questionnaire — says such a “campus climate survey” is part of a new federal law. We asked him to explain why schools are asking for such personal details, whether the data could possibly be traced back to individuals or hacked, and the future of “Think About It” in response to all the criticism.
MTV News: How many schools are using the program? Which are some of the most well-known ones?
Jeremy Beckman: Over 200 schools are using the program, and that number is growing, especially now because we’ve rolled out a program that is for graduate students. … I can’t divulge [which schools], it does include a variety from small schools to large schools, private and state schools. Geographically, it’s very diverse — all over the United States.
MTV: What is the motivation behind the program?
Beckman: We developed the program in tandem with a couple schools as a way to address the upcoming need to provide training to their students as part of the Campus SaVE [Sexual Violence Elimination] Act regulations, coming out later this year, which will define what precisely they’ll need to cover in detail.
Providing training to your students is going to be required [by the U.S. Department of Education]. … We’re trying to produce a program that provides students with vocabulary and awareness of the issues.
MTV: How does asking about students’ sexual histories help prevent sexual assault?
Beckman: The more information they have about the behaviors of their students, the more they can tailor to the needs of their particular campus. … To be absolutely clear, the data is de-identified; we as an organization, nor the schools, have the ability to see who responded to these questions in what way.
To be honest with you, asking these questions isn’t our idea. The Campus SaVE Act is also going to strongly suggest universities take a campus climate survey…so the types of questions we’re asking are right in line with what schools are going to ask anyway.
MTV: Do you feel students should have the ability to opt out of answering personal questions?
Beckman: Starting this coming year, we’re going to add an option to any of these questions where they can decline to state. It is going to be in 2015 — when, precisely, I can’t say. [Right now] if you don’t want to provide data, you could say “zero” in a lot of cases; that obviously skews our data, but if students didn’t want to provide this information, that’s the equivalent to do so.
We do think it’s something they should be able to opt out of, if they want — what’s more important is to provide programming. Our highest priority is them being able to have this vocabulary, this emphasis on the tools.
MTV: Are the survey results safe from hackers who could link the answers back to students?
Beckman: There are multiple levels of security, plus all of these answered data are not stored associated with the students. I can’t say it’s impossible, but…the data is stored in different places and the actual answer data is stored in aggregate form. It would be very difficult even for us to go in and re-identify answer data with individuals.
MTV: Do you feel the media has unfairly portrayed “Think About It” based on the questionnaire?Beckman: They haven’t misrepresented facts so much as they have very conveniently — or possibly unfairly — chosen to narrow in and focus on one very small detail within a much larger program. So, especially when taken out of context, these questions feel very invasive. … A majority of the questions are really not that personal.
MTV: What do the other questions tend to ask?
Beckman: As an example, a lot of them are based on perspective or opinion. Associated with hooking up, there’s a question that asks, “If someone has been flirting with another person all night, they owe them something at the end of the night. Agree or disagree?” What we’re doing in this case is to provide the university with an understanding of the mindset of the students.

Top moment #4: Bridge collapse fail

Teaching assistant is cleared of sleeping with pupil she kissed: Now meet her new lover, he's 12 years her junior... and she taught him too

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  • Mother-of-two admitted sending boy photo of herself in her underwear 
  • Helen Turnbull, from County Durham, said she kissed and sexted him
  • But 35-year-old defendant denied the brief relationship went any further
  • Can be revealed she is currently in a relationship with another former pupil
  • Source close to professional boxer Greg O’Neil, 23, confirmed Turnbull was his girlfriend

  • Cleared: Teaching assistant Helen Turnbull, 35, arrives at Teesside Crown Court yesterday
    A married teaching assistant who kissed a schoolboy and sent him seductive messages walked free from court yesterday.
    Helen Turnbull’s marriage fell apart when it emerged that she had been having secret trysts in her Mini with a 16-year-old boy.
    It can now be revealed that the teaching assistant had a fascination with teenage boys, had previously been unfaithful to her husband with a youngster and is currently in a relationship with another former pupil – 23-year-old professional boxer Greg O’Neil.
    Turnbull, 35, sobbed in the dock yesterday as a judge told her that grooming the child at the Catholic secondary school in Durham had cost her a career and her family. 
    She was given a four-month suspended sentence and told to sign the sex offenders’ register after admitting kissing the boy. 
    But she was cleared on charges relating to allegations she had sex with him.
    The jury was read a slew of provocative messages from Turnbull to the 16-year-old boy, in which she talked about ‘power sex’ and said kissing him was one of the perks of her job.
    Friends of Turnbull last night described how the relationship ‘spiralled out of control’ as they repeatedly pleaded with her to stop meeting the schoolboy.
    Yet years before the affair with the pupil, suspicion had already been raised about her activity with children when her husband caught her kissing another teenager in the family home.
    Ben Turnbull, 38, was left stunned when he found four boys in the house, one of whom was locked in an embrace with his wife in the kitchen.
    Mr Turnbull had planned to tell the court how he stumbled upon the incident but the judge ruled the evidence inadmissable as it did not have any direct bearing on the defendant’s behaviour with the teenager.
    Despite having a bitter argument about the incident, the couple continued their relationship and it was never reported to the authorities. 
    The marriage came to an end when Mr Turnbull accused his wife of having an affair after he discovered a picture online of her and the boy at the centre of the trial.
    After a drunken night at her school’s prom, Turnbull changed her Facebook profile picture from one of her three-year-old daughter to an image of her ‘cuddling’ the 16-year-old. 

    Ex-pupil: Helen Turnbull's current boyfriend, 23-year-old professional boxer Greg O'Neil

     Ex-pupil: Helen Turnbull's current boyfriend, 23-year-old professional boxer Greg O'Neil
    Outside court: Turnbull told the jury that the lewd messages were ‘all talk’ and that sex never happened
    Outside court: Turnbull told the jury that the lewd messages were ‘all talk’ and that sex never happened
    In comments posted alongside the image, Turnbull, who friends described as ‘insecure’ and ‘a lonely person’, asked the pupil if she should wear an ‘itsy bitsy teeny weeny bikini’ on a school trip. 
    When her contact with the boy stopped, the teaching assistant soon started a relationship with another former pupil.
    Turnbull first met Mr O’Neil during intimate study sessions involving only three other pupils at the school. 

    She regained contact with him while socialising in a pub following the breakdown of her relationship with the other pupil.
    Mr O’Neil, who left the school in 2007, became a professional boxer in 2012. 
    A source close to Mr O’Neil confirmed Turnbull was his girlfriend and said the boxer’s family ‘really like her’.
    During the eight-day trial, Teesside Crown Court heard how Turnbull had sent the schoolboy a slew of flirtatious and suggestive messages.

    Turnbull (pictured yesterday) was cleared by a jury at Teesside Crown Court of having sex with a 16-year-old pupil
    Turnbull (pictured yesterday) was cleared by a jury at Teesside Crown Court of having sex with a 16-year-old pupil
    Court building: The trial of Turnbull was heard at Teesside Crown Court (pictured) in Middlesbrough
    Court building: The trial of Turnbull was heard at Teesside Crown Court (pictured) in Middlesbrough
    In one, she asked the schoolboy what knickers she should wear before a secret meeting. 
    But the affair turned sour when the pupil went ‘cold’ and Turnbull allegedly told him that she would have him murdered by a notorious gypsy family if he left her.
    Passing sentence, Judge Peter Armstrong said Turnbull’s 13-year-old son now refuses to see her and she had limited access to her daughter, who is five.
    He said: ‘You feared the worst at the time this was happening but you were unable to stop yourself from getting involved with this young man.’ 
    He ordered her to complete 200 hours of unpaid community work and put in place a restraining order to stop her contacting the boy or going near her former school.
    Anne Richardson, defending Turnbull, said: ‘She clearly has suffered greatly for this utterly foolish and out-of-character behaviour.’
    Friend Lauren Musgrove, 23, said Turnbull developed an interest in the 16-year-old boy for ‘excitement’ because her marriage was in disarray. ‘She was having a bad time. I think she wanted some excitement,’ she said. 


    Why Running May Really Be The Fountain of Youth


    Elderly people who run show similar fitness to 20-year-olds

    Older people who run several times a week actually expend the same amount of energy when they walk as a 20-year-old, according to a new study published in the journal PLOS ONE.
    Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder and Humboldt State University picked 30 healthy older volunteer adults around age 69 who either walked or ran regularly for exercise. The participants walked on a treadmill at the speeds 1.6 mph, 2.8 mph, and 3.9 mph while their oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production were measured.
    People who were runners had similar energy intake to a group of young adults in their 20s from a prior study. However, those elderly men and women who regularly walked did not see that same benefit, and expended up to 22% more energy than the younger crowd.
    That could be because runners have better muscle efficiency compared to walkers, or because more vigorous exercise may better train the body. But it doesn’t mean that walking doesn’t have its share of health perks. Walkers still experienced a lower risk for ailments like heart disease and depression.
    The researchers say more studies should look at the link between exercise and the effects of age on the body. The authors write that it’s unknown whether there is “an intensity threshold of aerobic exercise that is needed to prevent the decline in walking economy.” But that knowledge could be useful in preventing some of the degenerative side effects of old age.

    Invading People’s Space In The Gym Is Hilarious

    273 Invading Peoples Space In The Gym Is Hilarious
    There’s plenty of annoying things that happen at the gym, including people waiting for your machine or someone hogging one. But invading people’s privacy has got to be THE most annoying thing during your workout.
    But watching it is hilarious, because double standards and all that. Watch this girl and guy invade the sh*t out of people’s private space while they’re trying to work out.
    In reality, it’s not really cool at all. But it’s definitely worth a laugh or two

    Worker Charged in Glass-in-Big Mac Case Wins $437K

    A former McDonald's worker acquitted of charges he placed shards of glass into a New York City police officer's Big Mac nearly a decade ago has won a $437,000 settlement from the city after arguing the officer fabricated the story to win money by suing the fast food restaurant.
    Albert Garcia was 18 in January 2005 when Officer John Florio accused him of spiking his burger with broken glass. He initially confessed after being questioned by four detectives for hours in a small, windowless room in the Bronx restaurant.
    But Garcia, who has an IQ of 81, soon recanted, and his lawyer's investigation revealed enough inconsistencies in the officers' testimonies that the state's highest court unexpectedly decided to hear the assault case this year. The case had been dismissed in 2012, a decision upheld by a lower state appeals court.
    Last month, the city agreed to a settlement.
    "I was thrilled when I found out," said Garcia, a 28-year-old father of two who works as a counselor at a Bronx YMCA and is studying criminal justice. "I really thought this wasn't going to happen."
    It might not have if Florio hadn't pursued a $6 million civil claim against the McDonald's franchise owner about a week after the burger incident. The claim was settled in 2009 for $15,000, said Garcia's lawyer, Raymond Aab.
    "That really opened the door for me," said Aab, noting it allowed him to take Florio's and other detectives' depositions, thus uncovering crucial inconsistencies.
    Calls to Florio weren't returned. His former lawyer, Richard Kenny, said though he hadn't spoken with Florio in some time, he believed in his honesty and his innocence.
    "He was crestfallen and I would say slightly even devastated by the implication that he conjured up this set of facts in an effort to make money," Kenny said. "I think Garcia's lawyer did an outstanding job on his behalf, but I think John Florio was a real victim here."
    On this much everyone agrees: On January 29, 2005, Florio, a now-retired veteran officer assigned to the canine unit, stopped at about 11:30 p.m. at the McDonald's drive-thru window and ordered a No. 1 combo meal: a Big Mac, fries and a Coke.
    But just minutes later, while driving on a busy expressway with his dog Dodger aboard, Florio testified that about three bites into his hamburger, he felt sharp pain and what he thought might be a cracked tooth.
    He took Dodger to Randall's Island for about 45 minutes, called a superior and then made his way to a Queens hospital emergency room, court documents show.
    But despite what Florio told fellow officers, medical records from the ER visit show Florio suffered from no apparent symptoms of swallowing glass, Aab claims in papers. What's more, while Florio said he told his family doctor that he had recovered glass shards in his stools, the doctor testified the conversation never took place, the papers show.
    And there were more problems.
    Restaurant workers testified that Garcia got to work a half hour late the night of the burger affair and thus wasn't even working when Florio was purchasing his meal — a piece of information that never found its way into a crucial police report, according to the papers.
    The police department referred questions to a spokesman for the city's Law Department, who said the payout was in the best interest of all parties.
    Garcia said he's glad to put a cap on the whole saga, which once grabbed many tabloid headlines — and earned another one Wednesday evening when the Daily News first reported the settlement.

    See Lauren Conrad’s ‘Cool-Girl Guide’ To Dressing For The Holidays

    We’re just gonna go ahead and say it: Lauren Conrad’s super short blunt bob has officially changed her. Ever since she left behind her long, whimsical blonde waves, she’s transformed into a total badass “cool girl,” as her hairstylist/BFF Kristin Ess called her on Instagram.
    Lauren ConradJustin Coit/WhoWhatWear

    Fittingly, she decided to channel her new ’do into her ensembles by creating the ultimate“Cool-Girl Guide to Holiday Dressing” for In the shoot, she shares some tips for lookin’ fly this season, like pairing a motorcycle jacket with a super soft lace maxi. “The ankle socks add a little extra sweetness to the edgy lace-up heels,” she said.
    Lauren ConradJustin Coit/WhoWhatWear

    In this classic LC look, she suggested pairing a tailored blazer jacket with skinny jeans for a work-appropriate holiday ensemb. “The pop of color from the teal pumps adds a little something extra, too. I love this outfit for a busy day of meetings that ends with cocktails with my girlfriends.” Straight from working to werking, amirite?
    Lauren ConradJustin Coit/WhoWhatWear

    Our favorite outfit from the shoot, though, definitely has to be this ’90s-inspired faux fur coat (you know how we love those!) and black slip ensemble, which LC said is “feminine and a little bit funky.”
    Lauren ConradJustin Coit/WhoWhatWear

    She also suggested making a fancy dress wearable for the daytime by throwing a comfy sweater on top. “Mixing textures is a fun way to add interest to an outfit, and I love how this knit sweater dresses down this floor-length sequin skirt.” Us too, LC. Us too.
    Lauren ConradJustin Coit/WhoWhatWear

    For this slip dress and glittery oxfords outfit, Lauren said she definitely stepped outside of her comfort zone, and we LIKE it. “We all need a break from heels from time to time, and these sparkly oxfords are the perfect retreat.” To see the rest of LC’s holiday dressing tips, head on over to!

    Great green beans: Updated takes on the classic casserole — and more

    Green beans 5 ways
    Green bean casserole might not have the historic pedigree of other Thanksgiving dishes, but it’s been a holiday staple since Dorcas Reilly developed the recipe for Campbell’s in 1955. It’s a dish that’s made its mark: Even folks who don’t like the classic casserole tend to serve green beans on Turkey Day.   
    Whether you crave the flavor of green beans baked in a creamy mushroom sauce, topped with crisped onions, or you prefer your green beans a little more free form, we’ve got a recipe for you, from elevated takes on the traditional casserole to vegan and even portable versions.
    Cheese Green Bean Casserole with Bacon
    Tessa Arias / Handle the Heat
    Cheesy green bean casserole with bacon: How do you improve upon a classic? Add bacon. And cheese. This recipe also updates the traditional green bean casserole by omitting the mushrooms and canned soup, while retaining the creamy base and French’s fried onions. Best of all, you can assemble it ahead and refrigerate for up to two days.
    Green bean casserole cups
    Let’s Dish Recipes
    Green bean casserole bites: Everything’s better when it comes in a cute little cup. This recipe takes classic green bean casserole ingredients and bakes them in a phyllo shell. Serve the cups as a side dish or an appetizer — either way, your guests will gobble them up. 
    Brown sugar and bacon green beans
    Six Sisters’ Stuff
    Brown sugar and bacon green beans: If you prefer to forego the casserole, but still want to serve green beans with your Thanksgiving feast, try this salty-sweet recipe. It’s just rich and decadent enough to be celebration worthy. 
    Sauteed Green Beans with Toasted Almonds
    Cherished Bliss
    Sautéed French green beans with toasted almonds: This slightly lighter take on green beans features a bit of balsamic vinegar tang and the textural crunch of toasty almonds. It’s vegetarian-friendly, too. 
    Vegan green bean casserole
    Irvin Lin / Eat the Love
    Vegan green bean casserole: Vegan, vegetarian and meat-eating guests alike will be vying over this green bean casserole. It’s also gluten- and grain-free and paleo friendly. It’s still creamy, thanks to a savory raw cashew base, plus it’s got the mushrooms and crisped onions you love. Everyone wins!

    That's a bit raunchy! Roselyn Sanchez stuns in plunging sheer gown that exposes every inch of her flawless figure

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    The night may have been about music, but no one could take their eyes off her dress.
    And Roselyn Sanchez caused quite the sensation as she took to the stage at the Latin Grammy Awards on Thursday.
    The 41-year-old stole the show in a very revealing sheer gown that left little to the imagination at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.
    Scroll down for video 
    Wow: Roselyn Sanchez stole the show in a very revealing sheer gown that left little to the imagination at the Latin Grammys in Las Vegas on Thursday
    Wow: Roselyn Sanchez stole the show in a very revealing sheer gown that left little to the imagination at the Latin Grammys in Las Vegas on Thursday
    Roselyn's nude frock featured an intricately bejeweled design over a sheer fabric which exposed her ample cleavage and all of her amazing curves.
    For modesty's sake, a matching pair of bikini bottoms were also visible underneath the floor length getup.
    The Devious Maids star wore her brunette locks stick straight and flowing down her back with flawless makeup, dark lashings of mascara and a bright red lip.
    Gorgeous: The Devious Maids star wore her brunette locks stick straight and flowing down her back with flawless makeup, dark lashings of mascara and a bright red lip.
    Gorgeous: The Devious Maids star wore her brunette locks stick straight and flowing down her back with flawless makeup, dark lashings of mascara and a bright red lip.
    On display: Roselyn's nude frock featured an intricately bejeweled design over a sheer fabric which exposed her ample cleavage and all of her amazing curves
    On display: Roselyn's nude frock featured an intricately bejeweled design over a sheer fabric which exposed her ample cleavage and all of her amazing curves
    Roselyn Sanchez
    Roselyn Sanchez
    Demure: For modesty's sake, a matching pair of bikini bottoms were also visible underneath the floor length getup
    Her revealing lock comes after she took to the gala's red carpet in a sparkling strapless black minidress.
    The Puerto Rican beauty teamed the flirty number with a killer pair of black stiletto heels while accompanied by her handsome husband Eric Winter.
    The gorgeous couple will celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary next week and have a beautiful two-year-old daughter, Sebella Rose.

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    Costume change: Her revealing lock comes after she took to the gala's red carpet in a sparkling strapless black minidress
    Costume change: Her revealing lock comes after she took to the gala's red carpet in a sparkling strapless black minidress
    Wrapped up: The stunner wore her brown tresses in a bun on the red carpet
    Wrapped up: The stunner wore her brown tresses in a bun on the red carpet
    Roselyn Sanchez
    Roselyn Sanchez
    Red bottoms: The Puerto Rican beauty teamed the flirty number with a killer pair of black stiletto heels
    Roselyn recently opened up about how she integrates both their cultures during the holidays for their little precious little girl.
    'We combine things, Latin music and Christmas carols, which I find kind of boring. I tell [Eric]: "Change the music!,"' she told People En Espanol.
    'Food at home during Christmas is very Puerto Rican. Rice with pigeon peas … pastels. We celebrate the Three Wise Men.
    Handsome: Her hunk of a husband Eric Winter complimented her look perfectly 
    Handsome: Her hunk of a husband Eric Winter complimented her look perfectly 
    Having it all: The gorgeous couple will celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary next week and have a beautiful two-year-old daughter, Sebella Rose
    Having it all: The gorgeous couple will celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary next week and have a beautiful two-year-old daughter, Sebella Rose
    'My husband didn't know you have to put fruit in a box under [Sebella's] bed so the camels can eat and the Three Wise Men bring you gifts.'
    The talented actress also revealed she's hoping for a very special gift this year.
    'I really want to be a mom once again,' she said about adding a new member to her brood.
    Maternal instincts: 'I really want to be a mom once again,' she said about adding a new member to her brood