It’s not often that the words “pantsuit” and “young women” are found in the same sentence. And yet, over the weekend, two young women—Jennifer Lawrence and Selena Gomez—wore white pantsuits to separate events. White suits well after Labor Day, no less. (Related: When can we stop making this joke?)
What are the chances, right? Though the fundamentals are the same, J. Law and Selly approached the light look in different ways—both deserve a closer look so we can fairly judge who wore it better. Let’s do it.
Jennifer went with a flow-y pair of pants and loose, open blazer, simple black tank, and metallic silver shoes. Compared to her highly patterned Hunger Games co-stars, Jen looks like a champion of minimalism. Katniss always has to stand out from the pack, y’know? It’s kinda her thing. Related: This Girl Won Her Own ‘Hunger Games’ By Baking A Life-Sized Jennifer Lawrence Cake
Selena, on the other hand, opted for a more fitted suit. She wore the embellished blazer buttoned and without a shirt and paired her metallic gold shoes to the fringe hanging from her shoulders. The overall look is sleek and a touch more ~nighttime~ than Jennifer’s. So, now that we’ve examined all the elements, one question remains: Who wore a white pantsuit better? Vote below!
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