1. The first time you cook together.
2. The first time you eat so much together that you actually can’t move.
3. The first time you throw each other ~that look~ and know it’s time to leave.
4. The first time you gossip about your friends on the way home.
5. The first time you get hooked on a TV show together.
6. The first time you stay up all night together.
7. The first time you sleep all day together.
8. The first time you know what they’re thinking before they say it.
9. The first time you accidentally burp in front of them.
10. The first time you do each other’s laundry.
Warner Bros.
12. The first time you meet each other’s friends.
13. The first time you call their friends your friends.
14. The first time you meet each other’s families.
15. The first time you meet each other’s families and don’t get nervous.
17. The first time you sit in silence together and read.
18. The first time you realise you’re in love.
19. The first time you tell them you love them.
20. The first time you tell someone else you love them.
21. The first time you have a proper screamy fight.
22. The first time they make you cry.
23. The first time you make up.
24. The first time you stick up for them when they’re not there.
25. The first time you cancel plans to cheer each other up.
Warner Bros.
26. The first time you get disgracefully drunk in front of each other.
27. The first time one of you vomits on the other.
28. The first time you share a hangover so painful you actually think you might die.
29. The first time you go to a fancy restaurant together and feel grown up.
30. The first time you realise you have a side of the bed.
32. The first time you meet each other’s exes.
33. The first time you feel moody and take it all out on them.
34. The first time you have to suck it up and say sorry.
35. The first time you accidentally wear their socks.
36. The first time you talk about periods.
37. The first time you’re there for each other through family drama.
38. The first time you go to a party alone and everyone asks where your S.O. is.
39. The first time you can’t be bothered to shave your legs.
40. The first time you meet each other’s cuddly toys.
41. The first time you go away for a few days and miss them.
42. The first time you send them a postcard.
43. The first time you take a trip together.
44. The first time you do something you hate because they asked you to.
45. The first time you do something you hate without them asking you to.
46. The first time you keep a secret for them.
47. The first time you take an ugly selfie together.
48. The first time you order their drink before they arrive.
49. The first time you order take-out instead of going out.
50. The first time something major happens and your S.O. is the first person you tell.
51. The first time you realise your S.O. is also your best friend
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